I am Shweta, here today I am going to tell you about INVESTIGATORY PROJECT IN BIOLOGY FOR CLASS 12 PDF DOWNLOAD
An investigational project in biology for Class 12 can be a great way for students to hone their research skills and gain a deeper understanding of the subject. One interesting project idea is the study of plant growth hormones, which are natural substances that regulate plant growth and development.
Students can conduct experiments to investigate the effects of various plant hormones on plant growth and development, such as auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, abscisic acid, and ethylene. They can compare the results of various growth parameters such as height, weight, and leaf area of treated and untreated plants.
Students can also conduct research on plant hormones in the scientific literature and analyse the data to draw conclusions about their effects on plant growth and development. The project can also explore potential applications of these hormones in agriculture and horticulture to enhance crop yields, promote flower and fruit production, and improve plant resistance to environmental stress.
For Class 12 students, conducting an investigational project in biology on plant growth hormones can be a stimulating and informative experience, inspiring them to pursue further studies in the field of biology.
A scientific research project involving investigation, experimentation, and analysis of a specific topic or problem is known as an investigatory project. It is an opportunity for students to develop their research skills, apply scientific principles, and explore their interests in a particular field.
An investigational project in biology can be an excellent way to study natural phenomena and their impact on living organisms. It gives students the opportunity to investigate various aspects of biology and gain a better understanding of the subject.