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I am Shweta, here today I am going to tell you about the PHYSICS FORMULA SHEET FOR NEET PDF DOWNLOAD.How can I get 150 in physics for NEET?

The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) is a very competitive entrance exam for students who want to enrol in prominent Indian colleges to study medicine and dentistry. In the NEET, physics is a crucial topic that calls for substantial preparation. Understanding and memorization of the many formulas that are pertinent to the syllabus are important components of physics exam preparation for the NEET.

Some of the most significant formulas in mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity, and magnetism are included in this physics formula sheet for the NEET exam. Students must comprehend the formulas for kinematics, Newton’s equations of motion, and work, energy, and power in mechanics. Students studying fluid mechanics should be familiar with the formulas for pressure, buoyancy, and Bernoulli’s principle.

Students studying thermodynamics should be familiar with the mathematical representations of the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Students studying electricity and magnetism should be familiar with the formulas for electromagnetic waves, Coulomb’s law, and Ohm’s law.

Since they serve as the subject’s cornerstone, the formulas given in this article are essential for NEET hopefuls to comprehend and memorise. Students can use these formulas to solve numerical issues and apply physics concepts in numerous contexts.

It’s crucial to remember that knowing the formulas by heart is insufficient. Additionally, each formula’s supporting ideas and principles should be understood by students. They will be able to do so, and it will also help students be ready for the conceptual questions on the NEET physics exam.

Overall, this NEET physics formula sheet is an important study aid for students getting ready for the test. Students can increase their chances of success and pursue their aspirations of pursuing medical and dentistry studies in famous schools in India by comprehending and mastering these concepts.


Here are some important physics formulas that may be useful for NEET:


  1. Kinematics:a. v = u + atb. s = ut + 1/2 at^2c. v^2 = u^2 + 2aswhere u is initial velocity, v is final velocity, a is acceleration, t is time and s is displacement.
  2. Newton’s Laws:a. F = mab. F = GmM/r^2where F is force, m is mass, a is acceleration, G is gravitational constant, M is mass of one object, r is distance between objects.
  3. Work, Energy and Power:a. W = Fdcosθb. K.E. = 1/2 mv^2c. P.E. = mghd. Power = W/twhere W is work done, F is force, d is displacement, θ is angle between force and displacement, m is mass, v is velocity, g is acceleration due to gravity, h is height, t is time.
  4. Circular Motion:a. v = rwb. F = mv^2/rc. a = v^2/rwhere r is radius, w is angular velocity, m is mass.


  1. Laws of Thermodynamics:a. ΔU = Q – Wb. Q = mcΔTc. PΔV = nRΔTwhere ΔU is change in internal energy, Q is heat added or removed, W is work done by or on the system, m is mass, c is specific heat, ΔT is change in temperature, P is pressure, V is volume, n is number of moles, R is gas constant.
  2. Heat Transfer:a. Conduction: Q/t = kAΔT/lb. Convection: Q/t = hAΔTc. Radiation: Q/t = σεA(T^4 – T0^4)where Q/t is rate of heat transfer, k is thermal conductivity, A is area, l is length, h is heat transfer coefficient, σ is Stefan-Boltzmann constant, ε is emissivity, T is temperature and T0 is ambient temperature.


  1. Electric Fields:a. E = F/qb. V = W/qwhere E is electric field, F is force, q is charge, V is potential difference, W is work done.
  2. Magnetic Fields:a. F = qvBsinθb. F = ILBsinθc. B = μ0I/2πrwhere v is velocity, B is magnetic field, θ is angle between velocity and magnetic field, I is current, r is distance, μ0 is permeability of free space.
  3. Electromagnetic Waves:a. c = fλb. E = hfc. E = cBwhere c is speed of light, f is frequency, λ is wavelength, h is Planck’s constant, E is energy, B is magnetic field.

These are some of the important formulas that you should know for NEET physics. However, it’s important to remember that understanding the concepts behind these formulas is more important than simply memorizing them.


  1. Reflection:a. θi = θrb. 1/f = 1/do + 1/dic. m = hi/ho = -di/dowhere θi is angle of incidence, θr is angle of reflection, f is focal length, do is object distance, di is image distance, hi is image height, and ho is object height.
  2. Refraction:a. n1sinθ1 = n2sinθ2b. f = R/2c. P = F/Awhere n1 is refractive index of the first medium, θ1 is angle of incidence, n2 is refractive index of the second medium, θ2 is angle of refraction, R is radius of curvature, F is force, and A is area.
  3. Wave Optics:a. v = fλb. sinθ = nλ/dc. ΔxΔp ≥ h/4πwhere v is velocity, f is frequency, λ is wavelength, θ is angle of diffraction, n is order of diffraction, d is distance between slits, Δx is uncertainty in position, Δp is uncertainty in momentum, and h is Planck’s constant.

Modern Physics

  1. Atomic and Nuclear Physics:a. E = hfb. E = mc^2c. N = N0e^(-λt)where E is energy, f is frequency, h is Planck’s constant, m is mass, c is speed of light, N is number of radioactive nuclei, N0 is initial number of nuclei, λ is decay constant, and t is time.
  2. Quantum Mechanics:a. ΔxΔp ≥ h/4πb. HΨ = EΨwhere Δx is uncertainty in position, Δp is uncertainty in momentum, h is Planck’s constant, Ψ is wave function, H is Hamiltonian operator, E is energy.

These are some of the important formulas in physics for NEET. Remember to practice solving problems using these formulas, as this will help you become more familiar with them and more confident in your ability to use them. Good luck with your studies!


  1. First Law of Thermodynamics:a. ΔU = Q – Wwhere ΔU is change in internal energy, Q is heat added to the system, and W is work done by the system.
  2. Second Law of Thermodynamics:a. ΔS = Q/Tb. W = -PΔVc. Carnot efficiency = 1 – Tc/Thwhere ΔS is change in entropy, T is temperature, P is pressure, V is volume, Tc is temperature of the cold reservoir, and Th is temperature of the hot reservoir.


  1. Coulomb’s Law:a. F = kq1q2/r^2where F is force, k is Coulomb’s constant, q1 and q2 are charges, and r is distance between the charges.
  2. Electric Field:a. E = F/qb. E = kq/r^2where E is electric field, F is force, q is charge, k is Coulomb’s constant, and r is distance from the charge.
  3. Electric Potential:a. V = kq/rb. ΔV = -Edwhere V is electric potential, k is Coulomb’s constant, q is charge, r is distance from the charge, E is electric field, and d is distance.


  1. Magnetic Field:a. F = qvBsinθb. B = μ0I/2πrwhere F is force, q is charge, v is velocity, B is magnetic field, θ is angle between velocity and magnetic field, μ0 is permeability of free space, I is current, and r is distance from the wire.
  2. Electromagnetic Induction:a. ε = -dΦ/dtb. Φ = BAcosθwhere ε is induced EMF, Φ is magnetic flux, B is magnetic field, A is area, θ is angle between magnetic field and normal to the area, and t is time.

These are some of the important formulas in physics for NEET. Remember to practice solving problems using these formulas, as this will help you become more familiar with them and more confident in your ability to use them. Good luck with your studies!

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