PLANT GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT NCERT PDF|What are the 5 stages of plant growth?


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I am Shweta, here today I am going to tell you about the PLANT GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT NCERT PDF|What are the 5 stages of plant growth?

I regret the way I responded in the past. I am unable to give you a specific NCERT article because I am an AI language model. I can, however, provide you some knowledge on the growth and development of plants.

The complicated processes of plant growth and development are controlled by a number of genetic, environmental, and hormonal variables. These actions, which include cell division, extension, and differentiation, result in the development of specialised tissues and organs.

Cell division and elongation are the processes that cause plant growth. While cells enlarge during cell elongation, new cells are created from existing ones during cell division. Hormones that encourage cell division and elongation, including as auxins, cytokinins, and gibberellins, control these processes.

Cell differentiation leads to the creation of specialised tissues and organs in plants. Numerous genetic components, such as transcription factors and signalling networks, control this process. Environmental elements including light, temperature, and nutrients also have an impact on how cells differentiate into distinct tissues and organs.

Seed germination, vegetative growth, reproductive growth, and senescence are some of the stages that make up the process of plant growth and development. The process by which a seed sprouts and starts to develop into a seedling is known as seed germination. The growth of leaves, stems, and roots are all components of vegetative growth. The emergence of flowers and the generation of seeds or fruits are both examples of reproductive growth. The last stage of plant development is called senescence, during which the plant starts to weaken and eventually dies.


In order to increase crop yields and plant health, it is crucial for agriculture and horticulture to understand how plants grow and develop. New plant kinds that are more resilient to environmental stress and diseases can also be created using it.

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plant growth and development ncert pdf

The development and growth of plants can be influenced by a variety of variables. Light is one of the most crucial elements. In order to make energy from sunlight through the process of photosynthesis, plants need light. Plant growth and development can be impacted by light’s duration and intensity. For instance, low light levels can lead to extended stems and stunted development, whilst high light levels might cause leaf burn and restricted growth.

Water is yet another crucial element. Water is essential for the growth and development of plants since it is used in many metabolic processes. The ability of plants to tolerate environmental stress and grow and develop can both be impacted by the availability of water. For instance, a drought may cause wilting and limited development, whereas an abundance of water may cause root rot and other illnesses.

Another significant element that might impact plant growth and development is temperature. Temperature extremes can harm plant growth because various plants require different temperatures. For instance, while high temperatures can cause heat stress and reduced photosynthesis, freezing can harm plant tissues and inhibit growth.

Potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen are other nutrients that are crucial for the growth and development of plants. Different amounts of these nutrients are needed, and they are frequently taken up from the soil. The growth and development of plants, as well as their resistance to environmental stress, can be impacted by nutrient deficiencies or surpluses.

In conclusion, hormones, the environment, and heredity all play a role in the intricate processes of plant growth and development. In order to increase crop yields and plant health, it is crucial for agriculture and horticulture to understand these processes.

What are the 5 stages of plant growth?

here are generally considered to be five stages of plant growth, which are:

  1. Seed germination: This is the initial stage of plant growth, where a seed starts to develop and sprout into a seedling. During this stage, the seed absorbs water and nutrients from the soil, which triggers the growth of a root, stem, and leaves.
  2. Vegetative growth: During this stage, the plant grows and develops leaves, stems, and roots. The primary goal of this stage is to build up the plant’s structure and increase its size, as well as to photosynthesize and produce energy for future growth.
  3. Reproductive growth: Once the plant has reached maturity, it enters the reproductive stage, where it produces flowers and fruit. The goal of this stage is to produce seeds or fruit to ensure the survival of the species.
  4. Seed production: After the plant has produced flowers and fruit, it enters the seed production stage. During this stage, the plant produces and stores seeds, which will be used to start new plants in the future.
  5. Senescence: This is the final stage of plant growth, where the plant begins to deteriorate and eventually dies. During this stage, the plant’s tissues break down and the plant loses its ability to photosynthesize and produce energy.

It’s important to keep in mind that these phases are not always distinct and might change based on the type of plant, the location, and the growing conditions. But they offer a broad framework for comprehending the various stages of plant growth.

The overall health and development of the plant depends on each of the five stages of plant development. The plant forms its root system during seed germination, enabling it to take up water and nutrients from the soil. Vegetative growth is crucial for strengthening the structure of the plant and boosting its photosynthetic ability, which enables it to generate energy for upcoming growth and development.

For the plant to reproduce and guarantee the survival of the species, reproductive growth is necessary. The plant goes through this stage where it produces fruit and flowers, both of which have seeds that can be used to create new plants. Long-term plant survival depends on seed production because it enables the plant to create and store seeds that can be utilised to establish new plants in the future.

Last but not least, senescence is a normal phase of the plant life cycle during which the plant starts to deteriorate and ultimately perishes. The plant’s tissues deteriorate at this point, and it is unable to photosynthesize or generate energy.

Farmers, gardeners, and others who engage with plants need to understand the various stages of plant development. They can use it to recognise the various plant growth stages and modify their growing techniques accordingly. To maintain the best possible plant health and output, farmers may need to modify their irrigation and fertilisation procedures at various phases of growth.


The five phases of plant development are, in order, seed germination, vegetative growth, reproductive growth, seed production, and senescence. Understanding these stages is crucial for successful plant cultivation because each step is essential to the general health and development of the plant.

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