The House has Approved two bills Protecting Washington State Students

HB 1622 Passed through the House on March 3 with a 96-0 Consensus Vote

The Original Version of HB 1622 Provided a Competitive Grant for School

 Districts to Connect Homeless Students with Stable Housing Program

They are improving access to educational resources such as school supplies

The bill, also known as the Student Basic Needs Act, would Specifically Focus,

On the needs of Students at Community & Technical Colleges & 4-year Institutions

The task forces implemented under HB 1559 will be responsible for the developing Hunger-Free Campus Strategic Plans

Benefits Resource Hub Includes a Campus Food Pantry where Students can access Campus & Community Resources

Debra Entenman (D-Kent), sponsor of the bill Said “Basic needs should not prevent access to Education for anyone in Washington

 “We must expand Educational time & break down prohibitive barriers for our students.” 

Both bills are now going to the Senate for consideration