Teach For Nigeria a non-governmental organization has launched application for its 7th-cohort fellowship, 

which aimed to address educational disparities in low-income and underserved communities

This year’s launch tagged: ”Find Your Purpose: Discover Your Leadership

Committed to tackling Nigeria’s foundational learning challenge in primary schools targeting young leaders

Folawe Omikunle said that: “We are committed to building a nationwide movement of leaders to provide an outstanding equitable education to all children in Nigeria

We also train, equip and support them through a combination of pre-service training and ongoing support

We are about to usher in a new set of leaders in the educational sector and we are excited to begin the process of inspiring leaders

CEO TFN called upon applicants to visit the NGO’s website for information on the application process

Sharing his experience as a 2019 TFN alumnus & guest speaker at the virtual event

Daniel Ochekwu explained that: “My two years as a fellow at TFN made me grow exponentially

It helped me learn more about life & improved my ability to understand identify & solve problems